Signs That Your Dog Is Going Into Shock

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Understanding Pet Health Conditions

Hello, my name is Selena. Welcome to my site about pet health. When your pet is feeling under the weather, all you can do is take him or her to the vet for a checkup. The vet uses diagnostic equipment and knowledge to find out the cause of your pet’s distress. Vets can perform treatments or prescribe medication that helps your pet to quickly heal from the illness or injury. There are so many different pet health conditions, so I decided to create this site to go over them all. I invite you to come along on this journey and learn more about pet health conditions. Thanks.


Signs That Your Dog Is Going Into Shock

4 April 2023
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

One of the things that you need to watch for as a responsible dog owner is any indicator that your pet is in shock. A dog can go into shock for several reasons, ranging from illness to injury, and immediately require veterinary care. It's important that you don't overlook any of the symptoms of shock or perhaps associate them with something else. If you were to make this mistake, there's a chance that your dog may not survive. If you see any of the following signs of shock in your dog, promptly visit a local veterinary hospital with your pet.

Fast Heart And Breath Rate

An obvious warning sign that your dog could be going into shock is that it's experiencing a fast heart and breath rate. While you've likely seen your dog experience a fast heart rate and breath rate, this has probably immediately followed a period of exercise such as running or playing fetch. It's an immediate concern if you notice these changes in your dog while it's inactive. For example, it might be resting on its bed and breathing so rapidly that its body is noticeably going up and down. If you touch the pet's chest, you may be able to feel the heart pounding.

Overall Weakness

Shock can also cause your dog to be weak in numerous ways. If it's resting on its bed, it might struggle to get up and walk toward you. If you're trying to go upstairs in your home with the dog, the dog might act as though it's unable to ascend the stairs. Some dogs that are weak as a result of being in shock will fall to the floor or ground and struggle to get back on their feet.

Cold Body Temperature

When you touch your dog's body, you should have an idea of approximately how it feels. Another warning sign that your pet could be in shock is that it feels much colder than usual. This is especially true in the animal's extremities. For example, if you feel the paws of your dog or place the tips of its ears in your hands, you may be able to tell that these areas are significantly colder than the other parts of the animal's body. Each of these warning signs should cause you to take action for the health of your pet. Call the nearest vet hospital, explain the situation, and prepare to take the dog in to see a vet.