
About Me
Understanding Pet Health Conditions

Hello, my name is Selena. Welcome to my site about pet health. When your pet is feeling under the weather, all you can do is take him or her to the vet for a checkup. The vet uses diagnostic equipment and knowledge to find out the cause of your pet’s distress. Vets can perform treatments or prescribe medication that helps your pet to quickly heal from the illness or injury. There are so many different pet health conditions, so I decided to create this site to go over them all. I invite you to come along on this journey and learn more about pet health conditions. Thanks.


Want To Have A Pet Gecko? Know How To Set Up The Enclosure

26 July 2021
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

Have you always wanted to have a gecko for a pet, but not sure what is involved to take care of one? If so, it will help to know the following tips to ensure that you are setting up their enclosure in the proper way. The key to making a habitat for your gecko is to create an environment that matches what they are used to in the wild as closely as you can. Read More …

Beagle Puppies For Sale: Should You Get One?

27 April 2021
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

The beagle is a cute dog that doesn't get very large – the average beagle doesn't reach more than 30 pounds. Beagles are used as hunting dogs to track small rodents, and are active hounds who follow their noses instinctively. When you see beagle puppies for sale, know if you're ready to take this type of pet on. While it's tempting to buy beagle puppies because they are cute and very friendly, making sure you have the right environment for this type of dog is key to having a happy, healthy relationship with one. Read More …

Make Scheduling A Visit To The Vet A Priority After Adopting A Stray Cat

30 November 2020
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

When you've just adopted a stray cat, either from the shelter or off the street directly, it's important that you take care of addressing a few concerns regarding their health. Instead of being worried about what kind of health your cat is in and just hoping for the best, it's a good idea to make scheduling a visit to the vet a priority when you want them to be in the very best health. Read More …

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Veterinary Internship

8 June 2020
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

If you are considering attending veterinary school to become a veterinarian, it is a good idea to first work as an intern in a vet's office. This will not only allow you to determine whether or not the job is really for you, but it will also give you more of an idea of what, exactly, you are studying to do as you spend all those long days and nights in school. Read More …

Great Things About German Shepherds

22 September 2019
 Categories: Pets & Animals, Blog

If you are looking for a dog, then you might want to consider going with one of the AKC registered German Shepherd puppies for sale. There are so many great things about this breed of dog, that it is commonly used as everything from a family pet to a military dog. You can learn more about this fantastic breed in this article. German Shepherds are loyal The German Shepherd is a very loyal breed. Read More …